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Raleigh Associated Medical Specialists

Internal Medicine located in Raleigh, NC

Depending on your body type, you might have a problem area where you can’t get rid of stubborn fat no matter how much you diet and exercise. If you’re troubled by pockets of fat on your stomach, flanks, or back, contact the providers at Raleigh Associated Medical Specialists for help. providers at RAMS offer innovative SculpSure laser body contouring treatments at his practice in Raleigh, North Carolina so you can achieve your ideal physique. Call the office to make an appointment today.

SculpSure Q & A

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body contouring treatment designed by the medical laser experts at Cynosure®. SculpSure technology both destroys your unwanted fat* and tightens and tones your skin for a smooth, sculpted appearance.

SculpSure treatments only take 25 minutes. The equipment includes a unique four-headed applicator that can be configured to fit your body, effectively delivering the targeted laser energy into your unwanted fat. The SculpSure applicator also includes a cooling feature to regulate the temperature of your skin and ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

How does SculpSure work?

SculpSure is specifically designed to send laser energy into the fat cells beneath your skin. The laser heats your fat cells, destroying their structural integrity. Then, over the next 12 weeks your body processes and eliminates the damaged fat cells with other toxins and waste products.

Who is a good candidate for SculpSure?

Dr. Cook provides consultations to identify if SculpSure is right for you. If you’re close to your ideal body weight but are troubled by a pocket of stubborn fat, you may benefit from SculpSure. It’s approved to target fat cells on your abdomen, back, outer thighs, and under your chin.

What happens during a SculpSure treatment?

During your SculpSure treatment, you’ll rest on a table while Dr. Cook attaches the applicator device to your problem area. For the next 25 minutes, you relax while the SculpSure lasers heat and damage your fat cells. You can nap, read, watch an episode of a favorite television show, or catch up on your emails.

SculpSure isn’t painful, but you may notice a warming sensation during your session. When your treatment is complete, you can go right back to your regular daily activities, although you should avoid intense physical activity for 24 hours.

Are SculpSure results permanent?

SculpSure permanently destroys your fat cells. While your fat is gone for good, you need to maintain a healthy weight as your body can produce new fat cells.

Your full results should be noticeable after 12 weeks. You may be satisfied with one treatment, or seek multiple SculpSure sessions to achieve your ideal look. Dr. Cook can recommend a schedule of treatments, depending on your goals.

If you want to know more about SculpSure, call Raleigh Associated Medical Specialists or make an appointment online today.

*Individual results may vary.